Count of subarrays with maximum value as K
Given an array arr[] of N integers and an integer K. The task is to find the number of subarrays with a maximum value is equal to K....
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Minimize cost of choosing and skipping array elements to reach end of the given array
Given an integer X and an array cost[] consisting of N integers, the task is to find the minimum cost to reach the end of the given array starting from the first element based on the following constraints:...
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Alternate XOR operations on sorted array
Given an array arr[] and two integers X and K. The task is to perform the following operation on array K times:...
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Minimum total power consumption by both the current “+” & “-“
Given a matrix of size rows x cols called “power,” which represents the power associated with each cell in the field. There are two types of current flow in the field: “+” current starts from the top left corner, while “-” current starts from the top right corner. Both types of current can move in three directions: from a cell (i, j) to either (i + 1, j – 1), (i + 1, j), or (i + 1, j + 1). The power consumption between two cells is calculated as the absolute difference between the power values of the two cells: abs(power[i + 1][j + 1] – power[i][j]). The task is to calculate the minimum total power consumption by both the current “+” & “-” to reach the last row....
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Count ways to reach each index by taking steps that is multiple of incremented K
Given N and K, the task is to form an array where each element represents the number of ways to reach each index i (1 ? i ? N) by taking only the steps where step length is divisible by incremented K i.e., first step length should be divisible by K. Next, step length should be divisible by K + 1 and so on....
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Count of Distinct Substrings occurring consecutively in a given String
Given a string str, the task is to find the number of distinct substrings that are placed consecutively in the given string....
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Maximum elements that can be removed from front of two arrays such that their sum is at most K
Given an integer K and two arrays A[] and B[] consisting of N and M integers, the task is to maximize the number of elements that can be removed from the front of either array according to the following rules:...
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Check if rows of a Matrix can be rearranged to make Bitwise XOR of first column non-zero
Given a matrix mat[][] of size N * M, the task is to check if it is possible to rearrange the row elements of the matrix such that Bitwise XOR of the first column element is non-zero. If it is possible then print “Yes” else print “No”....
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Ways to form an array having integers in given range such that total sum is divisible by 2
Given three positive integers N, L and R. The task is to find the number of ways to form an array of size N where each element lies in the range [L, R] such that the total sum of all the elements of the array is divisible by 2.Examples:...
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Find the longest path in a matrix with given constraints
Given a n*n matrix where all numbers are distinct, find the maximum length path (starting from any cell) such that all cells along the path are in increasing order with a difference of 1. We can move in 4 directions from a given cell (i, j), i.e., we can move to (i+1, j) or (i, j+1) or (i-1, j) or (i, j-1) with the condition that the adjacent cells have a difference of 1....
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Minimum Initial Points to Reach Destination
Given a M*N grid with each cell consisting of positive, negative, or no points i.e., zero points. From a cell (i, j) we can move to (i+1, j) or (i, j+1) and we can move to a cell only if we have positive points ( > 0 ) when we move to that cell. Whenever we pass through a cell, points in that cell are added to our overall points. We need to find minimum initial points to reach cell (m-1, n-1) from (0, 0)....
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LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) of three strings
Given 3 strings of all having length < 100,the task is to find the longest common sub-sequence in all three given sequences....
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